
Last November, before the eventual suspension of the league in March after a Jazz player tested positive for the coronavirus, the Dallas Mavericks launched the 2019-2020 season city edition jersey and court with a community art event called Art + Basketball.

  D3 of digitaltrendsetters.com invited us out to the Art + Basketball event, held in Victory Plaza right outside of the American Airlines Center, to get an on location look at the new jerseys and to explore the art exhibit which featured some of the city’s freshest artists. 

The event was like no other,  props to the Dallas Mavericks, the organizers and Psychedelic Robot for putting on such an exciting gallery as well as booking the Emerald City Band and DJ Joe Ramirez for a high energy celebration of art and culture.

Tuesday, November 26th, 2019 | Tex Moton | Victory Plaza at American Airlines Center

Art + Basketball was a collaboration with key members of the Dallas art community. Having partnered with Text Morton, co-founder of Infinite Crew and legend of local lore, speaks to the earnest nature of the organization’s intention to actually infuse the design and the event with the Dallas street culture. 

taken from Mavs.com
taken from Mavs.com

One of the hallmarks of Dallas street culture and its art, is a unique flair of provincialism. We love our city and take take pride in how we get down. Dallas artists rep the city in everything they do. This was well reflected in the event’s choice of partners and contributors.

 Bivins Gallery @bivinsgallery | Brandon Adams @adamsart | Brendon Dahn @brendokahn | By Way of Dallas @bywayofdallas|Charlie French @justcharliefrench|David Nash @thatsnashd|Flippin Art Dude @flippinartdudeGeoff | Case @giaviciart | JM Rizzi @jmrizzi|Kickstradomis @Kickstradomis|Kristin Moore @kdrawstheline|Leighton| Autrey @leightonaurtey|Nathan Nordstrom @slokeone|PhsychadelicRobot @psychedelicRobot|Richard Harmer @Rwharmer|Punch @Puchapproved|Shannon McNally @thanxzoe|Skyler Thiot @skyler.in.dallas|Sour Grapes @sourgrapescrew|Sweet Tooth Hotel @sweettoothhotel|Taylor Pendleton @Taylorpendleton_art|Tex Moton @texmoton|Travis Austin @travisaustincustoms|Travis Fowler @travis.fowler42|Travis Hass @not.travis|Tyler Upchurch @upchurchtyler24|Volta Voloshin-Smith @Colorsnack

Back to basketball

The Traveling Man in Dallas Mavericks PPE | Swiss Avenue

In spite of the current coronavirus apocalypse and the state-to-state flare-ups, the NBA has figured out a way to salvage the NBA season giving DubDeuceDs.com an opportunity to salvage the City Edition news package from last November.

The city and the fans are ready.

Good luck to the Mavs as all 22 teams are competing at the Disney ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Florida where the season restarts officially on July 30th. 

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